I kept running into the error below and finally found a useful post on Laracasts website.  Turn off your antivirus if you are developing locally!   laravel stream_socket_enable_...

Open a cmd prompt as an admin: 4 mklink /D C:\LinkToFolder C:\Users\Name\OriginalFoldermklink /D F:\laragon\www\derekbliss2\public_html\storage F:\laragon\www\derekbliss2\laravelapps\storage\app\publ...

I used this trick when I had multiple domain names pointed at a single app. Edit: /app/providers/RouteServiceProvider.php   protected function mapWebRoutes(){ Route::group([...

work araound for local error: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): Unable to locate certificate CN File:F:\alertmd\backup\mine\DSI\chamber2.0-L5.3\www\vendor\swiftmailer\swiftmailer\lib\classes\Swift...