I have taken 6 - 8 months off from actively trading.  This week I picked up a free 2 week trial at Dekmartraades.com and I have probably learned more in two days than in the last year of doing my...

http://support.code42.com/CrashPlan/Latest/Configuring/Configuring_A_Headless_Client http://www.code42.com/crashplan/thankyou/?os=linux Port 443 TCP is required for communicate to our server. Port...

#!/bin/bash DB_BACKUP="/var/db-backup/backups/`date +%Y-%m-%d`" DB_USER="root" DB_PASSWD="password" HN=`hostname | awk -F. '{print $1}'` # Create the backup directory mkdir -p $DB_BACKUP # Remo...

http://faisal.com/docs/salearn.html Training with Maildir format Maildir format is a bit different -- it stores each message in a seperate file within one of three subdirectories ('cur', 'new', and...

Two scripts I have used in the past. http://edoceo.com/creo/imap-move https://github.com/edoceo/imap-move

Try using mailq command to see what the issue is try this first:service clamav-daemon restart If the deferred count is way up try this https://www.howtoforge.com/postfix-amavisd-connect-to-127.0.0....

Postfix spam issues. Check the queue in /var/spool/postfix the incoming and active directories will have a ton of emails in there if you are under attack. Step-by-step to check the spools type in te...

I used this trick when I had multiple domain names pointed at a single app. Edit: /app/providers/RouteServiceProvider.php   protected function mapWebRoutes(){ Route::group([...

Here is a list of packages I have used in past projects. Laravel Debuger

work araound for local error: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): Unable to locate certificate CN File:F:\alertmd\backup\mine\DSI\chamber2.0-L5.3\www\vendor\swiftmailer\swiftmailer\lib\classes\Swift...