Laravel’s login throttling is a valuable combatant against dictionary attacks.

the user will not be able to login for one minute if they fail to provide the correct credentials after several attempts.

Login throttling hinders and impedes potential dictionary attacks, however, it doesn’t prevent them entirely, an attacker could wait for one minute and try again. In order to identify malicious activity and take action to stop it, you can record failed login attempts; this doesn’t completely thwart hackers either, but it can be the groundwork for some further security tools like:

  • Letting the user know somebody tried logging into their account.
  • Blocking the IP address until you can investigate.
  • Locking the users account until you can verify ownership.

Laravel introduced the Illuminate\Auth\Events\Failed event in 5.2, which is fired when the guest provides invalid credentials when logging in.

Failed has two public properties, $user and $credentials. If the provided email address exists in the database, the $user property is an instance of the User model associated with that address, otherwise, the $user property is null. You can guess what $credentials is.

Whenever the Failed event is fired an event listener will record the failed attempt. Then we will have a log of all failed login attempts that we can use to improve security.

To begin with let’s make a new LoginAttempt model and a migration file to go with it.

php artisan make:model FailedLoginAttempt --migration

In the migration file add the following.

Schema::create('failed_login_attempts', function (Blueprint $table) {


The user’s ID helps us to identify an attack on a particular account.


The email address allows us to determine whether the guest has misspelt their email, which could explain the failed login attempts.


We should not assume that an intruder will consecutively target the same email address. Therefore, we also record the IP address as well to identify when the same source is attempting several addresses.

class FailedLoginAttempt extends Modal
    protected $fillable = [
        'user_id', 'email_address', 'ip_address',
    public static function record($user = null, $email, $ip)
        return static::create([
            'user_id' => is_null($user) ? null : $user->id,
            'email_address' => $email,
            'ip_address' => $ip,

Now create a RecordFailedLoginAttempt event listener and register it in the EventServiceProvider.

php artisan make:listener RecordFailedLoginAttempt --event=Illuminate\\Auth\\Events\\Failed

class RecordFailedLoginAttempt
    public function handle(Failed $event)
class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    protected $listen = [
        \Illuminate\Auth\Events\Failed::class => [